TPI 218 en (2023)

TPI 218 en (2023)

MH 1 sv (2024-05)

MH 1 sv (2024-05)

HR 1 cn (2024-03)

Catalogue HR1
The catalogue HR1 stands for pioneering bearing technology, application-focussed advice, the highest product and performance density and continuous development. The benefits to you: - Selection of products from a vast product range; - Maximum benefit, since the most suitable product is used in the right place; - Worldwide product availability; - Short delivery times; - Long term supply capability; - Security of planning for the long view; - Simplified stockholding; - Market-competitive prices; - Global service; - Comprehensive, application-focussed advice.

滚动轴承 球轴承 滚子轴承 滚针轴承 滚轮 丝杠支撑轴承 外球面球轴承,轴承座单元 轴承座 附件 样本HR1 代表最先进的轴承技术,针对特定应用的建议、最高 产品和性能密度以及不断的发展。您将获益:- 从种类繁多的产品中选择 - 最大的益处,在正确位置使用最合适的产品 - 全世界范围内可获得产品 - 短的交货时间 - 长期供货能力 - 长远的安全规划 - 简化库存 - 有市场竞争力的价格 - 全球服务 - 全面的、针对应用的建议。

Availability: Out of stock

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